Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I have questions for you

What is our Lord's favorite food?

Why did an angel tell Mary she was going to have a baby?

Why did the angel tell her that she would have to name Him Jesus?


Kevin Knox said...

Hey, these are some awfully big questions for a Miss Littles!

> What is our Lord's favorite food?

I'm not falling for the old, "Angel Food Cake" idea. :-)

I'm going to vote for bread, because Jesus told us to eat bread whenever we got together to remember Him. I always like to eat things that remind me of people I love.

> Why did an angel tell Mary she was going to have a baby?

Because a baby should never be a surprise. And if God had not told her, it would have been a big surprise.

Also, it was because Mary was such a thoughtful person. It says that after the angel told her all the scary but good news, she "hid all these thoughts in her heart." She didn't tell anyone about them, except her closest friends, and she thought about them and prayed about them. Someone who thinks and prays about things can be trusted to know a lot more things.

> Why did the angel tell her that she would have to name Him Jesus?

Jesus was not like any other baby. He was born to be the King of the whole world, and He was also born to die for the whole world.

Back in those days, a person's name often meant something. I don't know what all the names mean, but I know Jesus means "Savior."

There were lots of boys named, "Jesus," back then because Jesus was a modern way to say, "Joshua." Joshua meant Savior, too, and he was a famous man who saved Israel from wandering in the desert. In fact, when Joshua saved Israel, God used the story of Joshua to explain how Jesus was going to save you and everyone who wanted to be saved.

So, Jesus had to be named like Joshua so everyone could know that Jesus would save the world and that He would do it like Joshua except better.

Lynne said...

I think I agree that Jesus' favourite food was bread. He told us we should pray for our daily bread, he also once said that He was like bread himself(the real bread that feeds our real selves). I think his second favourite food might be fish -- that's what he barbecued on the beach for his friends one time.

God had to tell Mary she was having a baby, because she had to know that it was God's special baby she was having. It would have been very scary for her not to know that God was taking care of the whole situation in a very special way.

In that culture it was fathers who chose the names of their sons, so since God was Jesus' father, that was the name that was planned for him. It's the name that explains what Jesus was doing coming into our world -- he was here specially to save us.

kc bob said...

how can I top codepoke's answer.. another cp homerun

..glad he didn't say devils food cake :)

salguod said...

What Codepoke said. :P