Wednesday, July 13, 2011

sorry about my last post it was relly good to.
hey just read one of my blogs and sorry i didn't blog the next day. thank God it has rained a little and its still cloudy i hope it rains a lot more. my aunt died last year. so we got all of her stuff. and mom decided when i was on vacation she would move it all. so now are house is colluded with her stuff. right now i have a lot of money (for a kid its a lot) I'm saving up for a snake. i wont a lime green one but i don't think the pet store haves one that's not poisonous. my brother sees no more pets but i always say i can do what i wont to with my money. we have a frog a dog and a fish and some time soon we will have lots of fish. are fish is Prent the kind of fish we have could have 1 baby or 200 baby's. but that is rare.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Hey how's it going? I just came back from my vacation. I went to big ceder lodge. It was so awesome! Once we got there we got settled in and then we went swimming. there were 5 pools. But 1 of them was privet just for the people who rented rooms there. My favorite was the lazy river. You would just sit on a floaty and the river Just took you along. We also went to Branson and rode the duck. It's a boat car. you get in and you get a quakier then you drive to the river. The kids get to drive it, but only in the water. Then you go back. At the gift shop I bought a duck and a bracelet
